Saturday, 18 August 2012

White Chocolate and Raspberry ripple Arctic roll

Here's a recipe that has a few elements to it, none of which are particularly hard, but it does take a while.  I started this late on Friday evening and it was done by Saturday lunchtime, just to give you a rough timescale.  Please don't be put off by all the stages, it makes a really impressive and tasty retro treat which is well worth the effort - I promise!

White Chocolate and Raspberry Ripple Arctic Roll

   For the Ice cream
  450 ml whole milk
  1 vanilla pod
  6 large egg yolks
  110g caster sugar
  300g good white chocolate, ideally green and blacks
  300ml whipping cream

For the Raspberry Ripple sauce
250 g Raspberries
25g Icing sugar
a splash of water

For the Sponge
4 large eggs
110g caster sugar
1 tsp Vanilla extract
110g Self raising flour

3 Tbsp best quality raspberry jam

To start with, make the ice cream.
Heat the milk and vanilla pod together in a pan until it starts to bubble, meanwhile whisk together the egg yolks and sugar.
Pour the milk on to the egg mix and stir.  Pour the mixture back in to the saucepan and simmer very gently, take care not to over heat or the custard will spilt.  Stir continuously until the custard coats the back of a wooden spoon then add the chopped chocolate stirring until the chocolate melts.
Cool the mixture in the fridge for 20min to half an hour. Once chilled, add the cream to the mixture and stir until incorporated.  If you own an ice cream machine, you can pour it in now, unfortunately I don't so at this point I pour my custard mixture into a shallow tub with a lid and pop it in the freezer.  If you're doing it this way it's important to take the ice cream out every 30 mins to scrape all the ice cream from round the edges and whisk it back into the middle, this prevents ice crystals forming and having crunchy ice cream!

While the ice cream is freezing, make the raspberry ripple sauce.  Place the raspberries, the water and the icing sugar in a pan, bring to a simmer and continue to cook until the fruit has broken down, this only takes about 5 mins. When done, pass through a sieve to remove the seeds then chill in the fridge until needed.

When the ice cream is nearly frozen solid, after about 3-4 hours, remove from the freezer and stir about 4 tbsp of the raspberry ripple sauce through, not too much though, you want a nice ripple effect.

Now here comes the tricky (but not too tricky!) part...!  On the worktop, place 2 sheets of cling film next to each other, slightly overlapping in the middle.  Take the ice cream mixture and scoop it all down the side nearest you.  Take the edge of the cling film closest to you and begin to roll the ice cream up, forming a sausage.  Twist the edges round and place back in the freezer until you're ready to make the sponge.  At this point, I went to bed!

The next morning...

To make the sponge, preheat the oven to 180 ° and line a Swiss roll tin with baking paper.  Place the eggs and the sugar together in a bowl and whisk together until very light (in colour and weight) and very fluffy.  This takes a while, even in my KitchenAid it took about 5 mins on high speed.  When they are at the right consistency, add the vanilla and  carefully fold in the flour with a big metal spoon, try not to knock too much air out.  Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 10-12 mins until golden brown.  While the sponge is baking, lay out a sheet of baking paper and dust with caster sugar.

When the sponge is done, tip it out straight away, face down, on to the baking paper, peel off the paper that you used to line the tine and is now on the top of the sponge.

Roll up the sponge in the baking paper like a Swiss roll and leave to cool.

When its completely cool, unroll it from the paper. Spread the jam on and  ake the ice cream from the freezer.  Unwrap it from its cling film. Place along the short edge of the sponge. Using the baking paper to help you roll the sponge around the ice cream. Re wrap in baking paper and freeze until needed.

When ready to serve, trim the ends to make it look tidy and dust with icing sugar. I had some of the raspberry sauce left, so I served this along side.

Like I said, there's a lot of different steps to this recipe, but none of them take a particularly long time and it really is so worth it!


Sj&C x

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